Experienced Leadership and Real Solutions for Needed Results
“I am running for King County Council because we need bold and transformative action to urgently address the scale of the challenges facing our region. I will bring experienced leadership and real solutions to address King County’s homelessness and behavioral health crises, improve public safety, and protect our environment.
Like many, I’m frustrated that our region is unaffordable and unsafe for too many neighbors and that too many are living unhoused. We must do better. I believe King County can and must do more to create safe, thriving and sustainable communities where every community member is safe and supported, has access to affordable housing, quality healthcare, child care, reliable public transit, and a clean healthy environment.
Good intentions aren’t making our communities safer and more affordable—I’ll bring experienced leadership and do the hard work to get the results we need and deserve. I am a managing Assistant Attorney General, mom, union member, transit rider, community advocate, and 25-year resident of the 4th Council District. As a longtime member of the King County Women’s Advisory Board, I have worked collaboratively with the King County Council and Executive to improve behavioral health access, expand affordable housing and services for survivors of gender-based violence, and helped to create a child care subsidy program. I care deeply about our community and will work with you to deliver results. I hope you will join me!”
— Sarah
Read this letter from the desk of Sarah Reyneveld